官方 CVE 订阅源

特性状态: Kubernetes v1.25 [alpha]

这是由 Kubernetes 安全响应委员会(Security Response Committee, SRC)公布的经社区维护的官方 CVE 列表。 更多细节请参阅 Kubernetes 安全和信息披露

Kubernetes 项目就已发布的安全问题发布了一个可使用程序访问的 JSON Feed。 你可以通过执行以下命令来查阅这些安全问题:

curl -Lv https://k8s.io/docs/reference/issues-security/official-cve-feed/index.json
Kubernetes CVE 列表
CVE ID 问题描述 CVE GitHub Issue URL
CVE-2022-3172 Aggregated API server can cause clients to be redirected (SSRF) #112513
CVE-2021-25749 `runAsNonRoot` logic bypass for Windows containers #112192
CVE-2021-25741 Symlink Exchange Can Allow Host Filesystem Access #104980
CVE-2021-25737 Holes in EndpointSlice Validation Enable Host Network Hijack #102106
CVE-2021-25735 Validating Admission Webhook does not observe some previous fields #100096
CVE-2020-8554 Man in the middle using LoadBalancer or ExternalIPs #97076
CVE-2020-8566 Ceph RBD adminSecrets exposed in logs when loglevel >= 4 #95624
CVE-2020-8565 Incomplete fix for CVE-2019-11250 allows for token leak in logs when logLevel >= 9 #95623
CVE-2020-8564 Docker config secrets leaked when file is malformed and log level >= 4 #95622
CVE-2020-8563 Secret leaks in kube-controller-manager when using vSphere provider #95621
CVE-2020-8557 Node disk DOS by writing to container /etc/hosts #93032
CVE-2020-8559 Privilege escalation from compromised node to cluster #92914
CVE-2020-8558 Node setting allows for neighboring hosts to bypass localhost boundary #92315
CVE-2020-8555 Half-Blind SSRF in kube-controller-manager #91542
CVE-2020-10749 IPv4 only clusters susceptible to MitM attacks via IPv6 rogue router advertisements #91507
CVE-2019-11254 kube-apiserver Denial of Service vulnerability from malicious YAML payloads #89535
CVE-2020-8552 apiserver DoS (oom) #89378
CVE-2020-8551 Kubelet DoS via API #89377
CVE-2018-1002102 Unvalidated redirect #85867
CVE-2019-11248 /debug/pprof exposed on kubelet's healthz port #81023
CVE-2019-11249 Incomplete fixes for CVE-2019-1002101 and CVE-2019-11246, kubectl cp potential directory traversal #80984
CVE-2019-11247 API server allows access to custom resources via wrong scope #80983
CVE-2019-11243 rest.AnonymousClientConfig() does not remove the serviceaccount credentials from config created by rest.InClusterConfig() #76797
CVE-2019-1002100 json-patch requests can exhaust apiserver resources #74534
CVE-2018-1002105 proxy request handling in kube-apiserver can leave vulnerable TCP connections #71411
CVE-2017-1002102 atomic writer volume handling allows arbitrary file deletion in host filesystem #60814
CVE-2017-1002101 subpath volume mount handling allows arbitrary file access in host filesystem #60813
CVE-2017-1000056 PodSecurityPolicy admission plugin authorizes incorrectly #43459

此订阅源会自动刷新,但从宣布 CVE 到可在此订阅源中找到对应的 CVE 会有一个明显却很小的延迟(几分钟到几小时)。

此订阅源的真实来源是一组 GitHub Issue,通过受控和受限的标签 official-cve-feed 进行过滤。 原始数据存放在 Google Cloud Bucket 中,只有社区少数受信任的成员可以写入。

最后修改 August 28, 2022 at 11:50 AM PST: [zh] updated official-cve-feed.md (125637f673)